
Showing posts from January, 2017

Fidlar's Too Much Concert!

On the 12th of November my friends and I traveled from Puerto Rico to Philadelphia to see a Fidlar concert and I have to say it was a crazy fun rush, it was an amazing time and I wanted to share a couple pictures of the concert here. After being hooked with their music non-stop since hearing "No Waves" in the Saint Rows 4 Soundtrack finally seeing them live was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had and I'm pretty sure my friend can say the same, the energy was crazy and it’s been a long time since I come out with no voice whatsoever from a concert, completely worth it, if you are a fan of the band do not miss out on seeing them live. Here are all the pictures: If you want to hear and read more about Fidlar click " here " for more info for when they were Band Of The Week! Also special mention to the other bands that played on tour with them The Frights and SWMRS who were also very awesome in the concert, look out for